Can People Really Make Money Online
One way thousands of people are making money on-line is through multi-level marketing programs. What are they? and do they really work?
MLMs are all over the web. Simply Google “home business opportunity” and you’ll get a boatload of different websites, most of which are probably MLMs. In the on-line business industry, MLMs have their cheerleaders and their detractors, so it’s probably a good idea to do as much research as possible before signing up and sending off a check.
What exactly do MLMs do? Most MLMs are a network of people who are trying to sell a product and at the same time trying to get more people to sell that product. The more people you personally recruit, the more money theoretically you can make.
And how do you get people to sign up? Mostly through websites promoting a particular MLM. The idea is someone will visit a website and sign up for the MLM to sell a product. The owner of that website has just made a sale, and will get a commission every time people under him make a sale. It’s called the downline, in MLM language, and the bigger and more productive your downline is, the more money you can make.
There’s an entire industry devoted to helping people get better at running their MLMs, by promising to get more recruits or better recruits or by making their website have better visibility to also increase recruits.
It’s not a pyramid scheme because the main purpose of the MLMs is to sell products, not simply to sign up more recruits. However, experts caution that business owners should try to avoid those MLMs whose main purpose seems to be signing up people and not selling a product.
Successful MLM website owners are usually terrific marketers. They know how to increase their search engine optimization (get a good spot on search engine results pages), and they know how to get their website seen. They use e-mails, word-of-mouth, press releases, and blogs to sell their wares.
What do MLMs sell? Some sell software, some educational materials, weight loss supplements, viral traffic and some seems to sell nothing but a name. It does cost money to sign up, anywhere from a around $100 to thousands of dollars, depending on the MLM.
Are they legal? As long as an MLM’s main purpose is to sell a product, then it is completely legal. It is only a pyramid scam if the only purpose is to sell the MLM websites.
Federal and state agencies have been known to track MLMs and pyramid schemes in an effort to weed out the bad apples. Advocates for MLMs often say those who complain that MLMs don’t work are typically those who didn’t commit the time and effort into the business to make it successful. Those against MLMs say the businesses never followed through on promises and they made far less money than stated.
The bottom line is that MLMs can be an option to make some extra cash, but you must go into it with eyes wide open and realistic goals. And if you do invest your money, make certain to invest your time. If you still have questions, it’s always a good idea to contact the Better Business Bureau.
Set Up A Home Business Website
A home based business has risks no matter what product or service you choose to go with. However you can get a home based business going for about $20 a month. This is a small investment that could reap you good benefits from your website. The 20 bucks will be for your domain name. Some services charge monthly for domain names but you don’t want to go with those. Instead, set up your domain, without ads, for under twenty bucks a year.
First of all you will need to pick a good domain name. You want to choose names that are relatively short and can easily be remembered. If there is a way to stick keywords into the name do so. If not, go with something that will pop up when certain keywords are entered. Look for low cost domain registry. There are a number of services out there that charge under ten bucks a year. Stay away from the expensive domain hosting services like Network Solutions. More money does not mean that you will get more services. Domain registry services are fairly standard at this point so one service will pretty much give you the same options as another one. GoDaddy is a very popular registry that does not charge much.
No matter what domain registry service you choose you will have to search for the domain name you want. If it is available you will be given the name you choose and if it is not a couple of different options will be presented to you. You can choose one of the variations that the registry gives you or you can come up with another one.
Once you have a domain you will need to find a web hosting company. Once again, web hosting services can be extremely cheap. Search for ones that are a buck or so and pick one. Once you have a domain name and web hosting service, you can start designing web pages. Domain registry services have tools you can use to design web pages but you also can use your own software to create your site.
Once you upload your website you will be able to start making money. If you have a product you are selling, try to network with website that sell similar products. Swamp links with those websites so that your site will come up earlier in searches. Be sure you are a part of an affiliate marketing program as well so that you will have a good amount of link partners. Go with a free affiliate marketing program as well. The links are just as good as the ones that you may pay for with a program that charges money.
You should be able to generate some money from having a website. However you will need to keep up the maintenance on it and update links regularly. If you have moderate web designing skills you should be able to design your website and make some type of earnings off of it.
Making Money with Online Surveys
Making money with on-line survey jobs is something that is fun and could bring in a bit of extra cash. Though it sounds too good to be true, corporations will pay people to fill out surveys. Before you decide to sign up for one or more, here are some things to consider.
Do you want to pay for the surveys? When you begin to look for survey opportunities, you’ll immediately notice that some sites require you to pay for a “list” of companies who will send you surveys and say they will guarantee a certain amount of work. Some survey sites do exactly as they say, and some don’t. It’s important to do your homework and try to determine which sites are legitimate business opportunities and which are not. Check out sites that list “good” survey sites and see if the same sites come up. Check scam sites (though these are not always reliable) to see if a site you are considering has been tagged by former users. There are plenty of sites that do not require any fee to join and some pay more if you refer more survey takers to their site, sort of a mini multi-level marketing scheme.
How much time can you spend filling out survey? Filling out surveys is time-consuming. The ones that pay the most can take forty minutes or more to fill out. If you are quick on the computer and a fast reader, you can whittle this time down. Remember, companies are paying for your opinion, so it is important to actually answer the questions as best you can and not randomly check answers. Treat this as any other job that you’d get paid for.
It can be frustrating at times because you only get paid for those you fill out entirely. Though most on-line survey sites try to pair surveys with the right people, sometimes you will get a survey that you cannot honestly fill out. A woman getting a men’s grooming product survey likely won’t be able to complete the survey and will get “kicked out.” In other words, the survey will end. Many times you only get paid for the surveys you complete.
How much will you get paid? This depends on how much time you spend, how lucky you are to get surveys you can complete, and the survey site you sign up for. One site claimed to have a worker sign up and work full time for a week. Although it was fun to fill out the surveys, the worker made less than 50 cents an hour. Other people just get a kick out of doing something that’s fun and getting paid for it…even if it doesn’t mean you’ll be able to buy that yacht you’ve been hoping for. Some sites offer coupons or product trials, which are always fun to get.
It’s important to have some sort of commitment. Like anything, if you want to make money, you’ll have to put in the time and effort to do it. You will not have any success if you have people other than yourself answer the surveys or if you answer the questions randomly.
Recommendations For Freelance Web Designers
Web design changes with lightening speed. You want to stay on top of the new technology if you expect to get new clients. Creating your website in Dreamweaver is a good idea but you want to know how to do all of the things in Dreamweaver without the program. The reason why you want to be able to hand code is because there are things that are much easier to do by hand than by using Dreamweaver.
As a freelance web designer you should be well versed in Dreamweaver and Photoshop and all of the other programs that can be used to make websites beautiful. However, you also need to know CSS and XHTML. The notion that knowing the front end of Dreamweaver and other software, without knowing the back end is enough is not necessarily true. You want to be able to offer clients a number of different options when it comes to your creative skills.
Finding work as a freelance web designer can be tough. However there are a few places that you should get your website posted and advertise for work. If you are looking for any type of freelance work there are a number of sites, such as http://www.sologig.com/ that you can register with. You will be able to post some clips and other information about what type of services you are offering. Jobs postings from around the country can be found there.
Web designers typically get work online but you might be surprised at how much work you can get from word of mouth. There is always someone that needs a website for something. Some people have a product that they would like to sell online but have no idea how to put a website together. Some schools would like to have a website for one of their sports teams but there is no one the staff that can do it. These are great opportunities that you can get from just talking to people that you know. Make sure that you tell everyone that you are a freelance web designer. You will be surprised at how many people are interested in your services.
It is important to have a rate chart established before you start looking for work. There are plenty of people online that will try to get you to work for much less than what your skills are worth. Check around and see what the standard rates are for whatever applications you are doing. You do not want to spend time doing work for less than what you should be making. Have a rate chart and stick to it. Do not let people talk you down on your rates. Offer a money back guarantee if you do not deliver the work when you are supposed to with all of the attributes that are supposed to be there.
Note: you can submit your info in this blog letting others know about your web design talents and some of the works you have done previously.
Fuad Albadani
Is Getting a Second Job the Answer in Today's Economy?
Can You Work At Home?
In today's economy, sometimes one job is not enough. Not everyone is involved in a Union with a high-paying career. Lots of families across the United States are struggling to make ends meet. Even with a high-paying job, you still may not be making enough money for all your wants and needs. Furthermore, a lot of people don't have the time or energy to work a second job. Work-at-home jobs could be a great solution to this predicament.
Why work at home? Working online is a great way to earn a little extra cash. It's fast and easy. There is no extensive training or knowledge required for these types of jobs. All you need for these positions is a little computer knowledge and Internet access. It is best to know a little about Microsoft Word as many of these jobs involve writing of some sort. So, if you have the time, dedication, and need to succeed, work at home.
What are the benefits?
Work at home jobs are very rewarding. First of all, they save you money on gas. Driving around to one job every day is expensive enough. With a work-at-home job, you never have to leave your house. You can set your own hours. If you are working two jobs or even looking for that second job, it can be very
challenging to find time to do everything. With a work-at-home job, there are no shifts and time limitations except for DEADLINES.
If you use your time wisely, all deadlines can easily be met. You can work early in the morning or all through the night; it's your choice.
Why not a real job?
If you are working one job already, it can be very hard for you or you potential employer to find a permanent shift that works for you and the company. In that case, it would also increase your chances of your application being rejected. Employers look for flexibility. Work-at-home jobs are great for time restraints because you will never be asked when you can work by an Internet employer. It does not matter to them when you work as long as you make the deadline. You will save money on gas as well. This is always a good thing. Also, with a work-at-home job, there is no risk of losing your job over an argument with a customer. You will not be working directly with clients in most cases, so you do not have to put on that false smile.
Work-at-home jobs are very beneficial to the second-job seeker. They will prove to be very convenient and easy to work with. Furthermore, you will need only a few very basic qualifications for one of these positions. There are, though, a few disadvantages. One major disadvantage is that you will not make huge profit with one of these jobs. These are good for those that only need a little bit of extra money. If you are searching for a job that will make you rich, this is not the one. Also, sometimes these jobs can be a little overwhelming and
frustrating because it appears that you are doing a lot of work with little pay. But, if you are persistent and willing to work diligently, you will make some good money.
So, if you are a second-job seeker with a little extra time, consider the "Home Work".