Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy
1. Use reverse psychology on your banner ads. Youcould tell people not to click on your banner ad. Forexample "Don't Click Here If You Are ComfortableWith Your Looks"
2. Make your banner ad words as attractive aspossible. Use words like ultimate, powerful, sizzling,hot, etc. Your words should relate and highlightyour total offer.
3. Offer a discount offer on your banner ad. Peopleare always looking for good deals. You could offera percentage discount, dollar discount, buy one getone free discount, etc
4. Use a testimonial on your banner ad. This'll givepeople proof they aren't wasting their time clickingon your banner ad. The testimonial should includeenough information so they understand the offer.
5. You could have a famous and respectable personon your banner ad representing your product, website or service. People will click because they'll trustthem over you.
6. Use a strong guarantee on your banner ad. Youcould include the guarantee as a headline for youroffer. It could read double or triple your money backguarantee, lifetime your money back guarantee, etc.
7. Tell people to click on your banner ad. Newbiesto the internet may net even know they can click onbanners. Just having the phrase "click here" on yourbanner will increase your clickthroughs.
8. You could advertise a trial or sample offer. Thiswill tell people there is no risk or obligation if theyclick on your banner ad and try out your product orservice.
9. Tell people the major benefit of your product, website or service on your banner ad. It could be benefitslike make money, lose weight, increase energy, savemoney, save time, etc.
10. You could advertise a free offer on your bannerad. People love free stuff. The freebie should relateto your target audience. If the freebie is attractiveto them they will click.
About Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy:
I Was A Washed Up Restaurant Worker Desperately Searching ForA Way To Save My Family When I Discovered The Internet AndAffiliate Marketing... 24 Months Later I Finally Cracked TheCode And Started Earning Over $10,000.00 Per Month... Now TheSame System That Saved Me Is Available To You!
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